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Monday, November 18, 2013

Xbox One Setting Standards

Xbox one has been progressively been pushing the technology of there Kinect Sensor. Recently Xbox One has been putting there technology to the top and have been receiving a great deal of attention and awards. They say that the Kinect's ability to track the players movement has been dramatically improved allowing Xbox One to be the top product breakthrough of the year. They are also the winner of the Best of Whats New Magazine Award. The Xbox One will be launching very soon, and with the PS4 just getting out, the console wars have just only begun.

Newest Console Comparison

Check out this comparison between the PS4, PS3, Xbox one, Xbox 360. It really gives a great insight of how the technology has improved over the years as we enter the next generation of gaming. Credit to http://www.gamespot.com/articles/next-gen-console-comparison-ps3-ps4-xbox-one-xbox-360/1100-6416217/

PS4 Blue Light of Death

Remember hearing the words red ring of death? Those were the last thing that anyone wanted to hear especially if your a hardcore gamer. The recent launch of the new PS4 has drawn much attention to the hardware of the PS4. Recently Sony has been getting heavy fire for their systems getting the new phrase (Blue Light of Death). With over a million systems sold only a small portion of them have been having technical difficulty. Approximately 4,000 systems have been known to be having the same problem. Sony is really pushing hard to try and solve the on going problems so it does not get out of hand. This really has helped Microsoft though that if they can come out with a strong sale with no issues, they can have the upper hand.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

C.O.D. Grosses $1billion in Sales!

The recently released Call of Duty Ghost has really made its foot print in the video game industry. Ghost passed grand Theft Auto 5 in revenue sales in a days time period. In just a day Ghost had $1billion dollars in sales, where as GTA5 took three days. Call of Duty Ghost being the 10th Call of Duty game in the franchise is producing more and more hours of gameplay. This year has been the most player COD year ever, with a total of four billion hours of gameplay. It is crazy to see how far this franchise has come and that they can still produce high-level content games. I highly recommend getting a copy of Ghost, but maybe wait till the new systems come out!


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Call of Duty Ghost Launch!

Hey everyone! Last night Call of Duty Ghost had its official release onto the market. Ghost is really going to determine the future of Call of Duty first person shooter games seeing as there is a lot of repetitiveness. COD players are starting to get tired of the same basic content, with little change. In Ghost they are giving you a bit more customization, by letting you change how your player looks in online multiplayer. Along with this on multiplayer, call of Duty has added a bit extra to each individual aspect of Call of Duty. Kill streaks have added 20 new streaks to the game, 14 brand new maps, and 30 new weapons. The weapons however offer one new specific gun class called marksman. This class will include guns such as the SVU Dragunov, and MK14 EBR, which have better stopping power than assault rifles. Calls of Duty Ghost along with the other add on has come out with an app. This app is going to help players keep in tact with their gaming life at home with out even being there. It will allow players to keep track of their stats, clans that you are in, and also a second screen experience. The second screen option is going to let you do multiple things from the app. It is going to allow you to set up pre match editing, in match load outs in between your spawn time, and also the option to share match results on social media.